Beta-She is 8 weeks old and very sweet! Please give her a home!!
Gamma-She is 8 weeks old and just so adorable! She loves to run and follow human feet she will be about thirty pounds when fully grown! Please come give Her a new home!!!
Theo-A Boston terrier mix! Just look at that face!!
Taco-Taco is a very sweet full grown chi. mix!! He loves people and can't WAIT to find a home of his own!!!
Buddy-He is a 31/2-4 month old collie mix. He is very sweet and would make almost any family happy! He is homeless now and would love to be Thankful for a forever family this year!! Come meet him!
Sheba-She is about 3-4 months old and is an adorable collie mix. Come Meet her in Wayne Tomorrow!!
Ruby-She needs a home or a fosterhome! COme meet her and take her home from Wayne PetSmart tomorrow! She needs a home her last "family" dumped her at a shelter and she is homeless now!!
Stumpy-She was a great mom to her 5 pups but really needs a home where she can be a puppy again. She LOVES other dogs and LOVES people! She would Love to have a family with kids as well!!!
Rusty is a GREAT dog! He will be a LARGE dog, but a a wonderful FAMILY DOG! He is very trainable and would love to find a family to call his own!! Please come adopt Rusty.
Sugar is Rusty's sister! She is a bit bigger but still has the same potential of being a fantastic family dog! She gets along well with other animals as well. Come adopt Sugar!!!
Violet is a wonderful pup who loves to be held and cuddles she is about 3.5 months old and will make any family happy! COme meet her tomorrow!!!
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